Monday, February 2, 2015

Homework for 3 February 2015

Dear pupils,

Please complete Maths Test 2 pg 5 to 8 at home.

Learn T1 W6 Spelling and get your parents to fill up the parents circular given today.

Revise your Maths chapter 3.

 Adding by 1) using number bonds  or 2) counting on

What are proper nouns?

What are pronouns?

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


  1. Dear Ms. Yang,
    I need clarification on the circular given today, is it compulsory to eat that food on that day or children can carry their own food . He is ready to participate but i m not sure he will eat that food or no. And , will this activity be held during recess time?
    Secondly , for the Maths homework given today , he is not carrying Maths Test book in his bag .
    Third , the books which he issued from NLB , has to be returned at Tampines library before due date and not be returned in school?
    Thanks & regards
    Deepti lamba

  2. Dear Mrs Yang,
    This is Sujit's mother, Amrutha. This is regarding the maths homework given today. Sujit does not have his Maths Test book with him.
    Amrutha ( 91090453 )
